Revised Common Lectionary February 18 2024. Revised common lectionary (complementary) daily bible readings that follow the church liturgical year, with thematically matched old and new testament readings. Be sure you select the appropriate one.

Revised Common Lectionary February 18 2024

A calendar of revised common lectionary daily readings. Preparing for the thirdsunday in lent.

Year A, B, And C.

Please note that two distinct lectionaries are provided on this page:

Filed Under Jesus, Lent, Liturgical Preaching, Liturgy, Revised Common Lectionary Tagged As Abraham , Apostle Peter , Blameless , Carry The Cross , Discipleship , Faith , Obedience , Satan , Self Denial

Mark begins jesus’ public ministry with a bang.

Be Sure You Select The Appropriate One.

Images References :

Moore, And Matt Skinner For A Conversation On The Revised Common Lectionary Texts For The First Sunday In Lent On February 18, 2024.

This version of the lectionary preaching calendar follows year b of the rcl.

From Gary Church, Here In Wheaton, Il.

Year a, b, and c.

A Calendar Of Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings.